Tuesday, October 31, 2006


"Mayday! Mayday!"

"Earth Base Omega calling

"Are you there Emerald-Warrior?"

"We need your help!"

"Yes, Earth Base, I am here!"

"What can the Shining Emerald Warrior help you with..?"

"Blessed Emerald Warrior, we need assistance! Please! Very important! We need to know..."

"What do the children want for lunch today..?"

"Very important!!"



"Ummmm...yes, Earth Base, the Shining Emerald Warrior will get right on that mission of such great importance..."

(I have infiltrated their inner circle...it's only a matter of time before the secrets of their lunch plans are revealed and I can transmit them to the waiting Intelligence Officials on Earth Base...)

L A T E R . . .

"Finished! The Mighty Emerald Warrior has triumphed again...a juice box to celebrate!"

Monday, October 30, 2006

Chapter Four

This is the sight I walked into after taking Boris to school today. Believe it or not, Spike is feeling much better. His temp was only 101.8 today! And he got his appetite back. He ate actual food for the first time in days.

As you can see, not much "happened" today for Spike, unless you count watching what very well may be an illegal amount of TV!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Chapter Three

Unfortunately, still rather sick.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Chapter Two

This is our beautiful Spike anxiously waiting for us grown ups to get our shoes on so he can get in the van! You see that smile, right? Seems to be feeling better...?

This is Spike laid out on the couch. I was trying to capture his misery on film, but all that kid does is smile, so, I'll just have to tell you about it...
Again, I thought fresh air would do the kids some good. You know, get things moving. I was wrong. He was too sick. He was in the wagon with Hella and her blanket the whole time, so it wasn't a terribly exerting walk, but still.
When we got home, he felt a little too warm for my liking, so I took his temperature...104.3.
That's right. I did not mistype that. Robyne hopped on line and looked up what contitutes as dangerous, and believe it or not 104 is still not too bad as long as it doesn't stay for long periods of time. 107 can result in brain damage. Anyway, I did everything the websites said to do to lower his temperature, and it worked. It got down to 102.6!
Our sweet, strong, exhausted, and brave Spike turned in early, and is working very hard on getting better. Go, Spike!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Chapter One

Two nights ago Spike did not sleep.
He spent the entire night with what sounded like whooping cough. So, he stayed home from school the following day and pretty much just slept.
He seemed fine this morning, and since it was our "work day" at Beehive he went to school. Bad move.
He was not ready. He spent the entire time stuck to either myself or Rik, and if you know Spike at all, you know that is highly uncharacteristic, so he went home and slept.
Did I mention he got the pink eye? Well, he did! So now, Hella and Spike are down and out.
The house of disease from last Thanksgiving has returned with a vengence!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Fun with Spike

He was so happy to get a spider tattoo!
This was the first of many rides at the carnival. I literally couldNOT keep up with him!

One of the Dad's was kind enough to help our little Spike through.

He ran around so fast, I thought I'd lost him!