Wednesday, February 07, 2007


A Christmas present, Spike's ninja gear was a huge hit.

His first instinct, usually, when someone pulls out a camera is to give them a huge, cheesy grin (see next picture down).

For some reason, though, when he's wearing the ninja stuff he's a little more ... intense.

Just watch your back...

Shaping, molding, sculpting...carefully applying colors in just the right spots...I watched him work on this play-doh creation for quite a long time.

When he seemed satisfied, I asked him what he had made.

With an incredulous look, as if wondering just how stupid I was, he simply said..."vomit."

His sister Hella is trying to potty-train.

Spike, being the professional potty-user that he is, all by himself decided to help out by reading to her while she sat alone on the throne.

He's quite a kid...